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May Chang

This beautiful uplifting oil has stayed with me since my training many, many years ago.

A small tropical tree, Litsea Cubeba was not on our syallbus when I took my Diploma course but my tutor introduced it into one of the lessons. I remember that sherbet lemon aroma and instantly it took me back to the sweet shop just on the corner from my primarry school where most days for a few pennies you could buy a paper bag of this sharp lemony sweets.

The oil can be used in blends for greasy oracnified skin. It also helsp muscular aches and pains and is said to be a vaulable oil in the treatment of cardiac arythmia.

This oil is one of Olive Training's favourites and if you look in the oil box there are a number of bottoles of it. We use it as a room freshener to wake up our learners and we have found it to become a firm favourite with our students to the point where we have to say "step away from the May Chang".

We have to say though that it has become a favourite with the clients too and we don't really mind that !



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